Newsflash---Tyrannosaurus Rex to roam the Blackwater Valley
after 67 million years
There are strong fears that T. Rex will stalk the Fermoy St. Patrick’s Day Parade. A leprechaun, captured last week and speaking off the record, told us “With the present state of the economy, people are frightened, let’s give them something to help them forget the economy, politics and the IMF, let’s terrify them with something completely different”.
We are looking for teenage volunteers to help with making models, costumes and appear in the parade.
World famous model maker, David Gavin, has volunteered to help. You may not have heard of David, but you will have seen his work in Jurasic Park and Star Wars. David is based in the Dinosaur Museum in Castletownroche.
He needs helpers to make models, masks, puppets and props. You will also get to wear the costumes and masks in the parade.